Whether it’s a changing climate, a deadly virus or an unstable global economy, the contemporary human imagination is increasingly challenged by the idea that perhaps our place in the world is not as assured as we once thought. With this in mind, Melbourne artist and composer, Edwin Montgomery, asks the question: “What will remain once we have gone?”
In Montgomery’s interactive digital artwork, Neon Cyborg Cat Club, life as we know it no longer exists - but left in our wake are robotic cats, originally manufactured for companionship by a doomed humankind, now roaming an apocalyptic cityscape.
Enter a vivid 3D digital environment and transport yourself from the comfort of your own home to this dystopian feline future. There, you can visit one of the last areas populated by the cyborg cats, for an immersive and voyeuristic experience as the curious and wistful creatures create unique musical soundscapes with their individual movements. Audiences can choose which cats to spend time with, from a number of viewpoints, and enjoy private performances that are unique every time.

Supported by the City of Melbourne COVID-19 Arts Grants.
Winner of the 2021 Freeplay Experimental Game Award
Nominated for the 2021 Freeplay Excellence in Audio Award

Download the Neon Cyborg Cat Club below, or find it on Steam

Watch a recorded "performance" of the work:

PC Press (Polish)
Although an imagined future after the eradication of the human race may seem a pretty grim place to relax, this is a playful examination of the question: what will remain after we are all gone? Will there be moments of peace and beauty amongst the wreckage, for future alien archeologists to unearth? Despite the dystopian setting, this work is most of all about the importance of finding moments of tranquility and peace.
Clearly, the COVID-19 pandemic has made isolation a difficult theme to ignore. Rather than exploring the negative aspects of this, I've tried to create a work that encourages quiet reflection, allowing the viewer the chance to actively unwind, and passively experience the music and visuals. Rather than a one-off live-streamed performance to be watched by a virtual crowd of others, this project lets the user enjoy their own, private performance of music; whenever they like, and never quite the same for anyone else.
- Edwin Montgomery, July 2020
This work was supported by the City of Melbourne COVID-19 Arts Grants.

© Edwin Montgomery, 2020